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Using Mobile Phones

We have invited a number of successful applicants for both the Spring and Summer Internship programmes. Our panellists have interned in many prestigious and well-known banks. They have had various experiences in the different divisions, ranging from IBD, S&T to Operations. The session will give you the opportunity to learn more about the application process, ranging from interview tips to online resource recommendations and even advices on construction of career paths.

通过线上spring panel的举行,CDS希望在为大家的实习与求职路上答疑解惑。CDS Spring Panel不仅邀请到了专业且优秀的学长学姐来,更有专业机构手把手悉心指导CV、详细解答spring week面试真题。

NGO/GO Career Panel

LSE CDS NGO/GO Career anel 将围绕着政府组织和非政府组织 (GO&NGO)来举行, GO&NGO通常是与政府合作或独立于政府的非营利性自愿团体或机构。 在本次活动中,我们希望为对金融投行没有很大兴趣的 LSE 提供一项有吸引力的职业选择,打破“所有 LSE 毕业生都去金融和 IBD”的刻板印象;我们希望为社会科学学位的LSE学生提供更多的职业见解,以应用他们的学科专业技能来“改变世界”;我们希望帮助那些对 GO/NGO 就业领域感兴趣的人挖掘他们在其领域的潜力以及帮助他们厘清从实习申请到正式入职的全过程。

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